Come join us Sundays at 9:30 - Here is our current series
The greatest question of all that we must ask ourselves is whether we are putting Jesus first
in our lives. If we seek first the Kingdom of God this year then every other area of life will fall
in line. It’s a new year that comes with a chance at a fresh start.
December 29- Better Priorities- Matthew 6:33, Matthew 22:34-40, 2 Corinthians 4:18
When we put the things of God first in our lives, the other things fall into proper order. However, when we prioritize earthly things, we find ourselves anxious and full of worry. God helps us have better priorities.
January 5- Better Relationships- Proverbs 12:26, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Romans 12:10
Our Relationships are a good indicator of the trajectory of our lives. The people that we spend the most of our time with have an incredible influence on who we become. To become better, we may need to make better choices concerning the “whom” we spend our time “with”.
January 12- Better Choices- Proverbs 1:7, James 2:10, 1 Corinthians 6:12
Every choice we make in life has consequences. We must use wisdom that is given to us by God to choose wisely. That all begins with the fear or God. This fear is a reverence and respect for Holy God, but that fear can mature into deep and abiding trust. Ultimately it is our trust in God that helps us make better choices.
January 19- Guest Speaker
One of our members, Michael Gomulka, who serves as a prison chaplain will be sharing a message.
January 26- Better Witness- 1 Peter 3:15-16, Acts 1:8
God has given us the opportunity to share His love with the world. In order to do so, we must always be ready to give witness to Jesus through word and deed. We can either give Him a good name or be the reason someone would reject Him.
Children’s Sunday School Available during service
Coming Soon- A series on the book of Romans starting February 2nd
Video based small group
The Book of Ephesians
Has it ever dawned on you that nothing has ever dawned on God? He knew before the world began that His people would face hardship, so He gave us His Word. The Book of Ephesians is a survival manual—it equips believers to thrive in a world that hates the message of Jesus Christ. Paul the Apostle writes to encourage believers to live well—we've been lifted from the graveyard of sin and called to shout the gospel into the darkened world.
Pastor and author J.D. Greear walks through the powerful words of Paul. In 9 sessions, J.D. digs into the text of Ephesians verse-by-verse and challenges believers to live out the gospel. If the people of your city, of your school, of your family are going to hear the gospel, it's going to be from your mouth. Encounter Ephesians, and get swept up into the story of Jesus.
October 21- Ephesians 1:1-14
October 28- Ephesians 1:15-23
November 4- Ephesians 2:1-10
November 11- Veterans Day- No Meeting
November 18 & 25 Fall Break- No Meetings
December 2- Ephesians 2:11-3:13
December 9- Ephesians 3:14-4:16
December 16- Ephesians 4:17-5:7
December 23 & 30- Holiday Break- No Meetings
January 6- Ephesians 5:8-21
January 13- Ephesians 5: 22-6:9
January 20- No Meeting MLK Holiday
January 26 Ephesians 6:10-24
Led by Jacque Fotheringham
We are currently studying Women of the Bible.
Use the church link to access Zoom.
Winter Camp @ United Christian Youth Camp (UCYC)- Prescott, AZ
High School-Middle School
January 17-19, 2025
The Gospel
The gospel is the most life-changing and powerful truth we will
ever encounter—but do we truly live like we believe it?
This winter, we invite you to dive deep into the scandal of the
gospel, tracing the journey from our sin to Jesus’ miraculous birth,
sacrificial death, victorious resurrection, and glorious ascension.
Together, we'll wrestle with the tension between personal faith
and the radical grace of Jesus that defies all human expectations.
As we return to the very roots of the gospel, you will be challenged
to examine where your faith truly lies. Are you standing on the
unshakable foundation of the gospel, or have you been swayed by
the world? Prepare to confront the transformative, and sometimes
uncomfortable, truth that the gospel demands—and to embrace
the life it offers.
NOTE- Registration is closed
Waiver Link to be completed by those registered
At the church office, aka “The Box”
Located at 13300 Colossal Cave Rd, Vail, AZ
Currently we are Studying the Book of Mark
Men, come join in for some fellowship and laughs....and coffee!
Starting February 2nd, we will be launching the Brown Bag Adult Bible Study! This will be an opportunity to connect in a small group after church. It’s only an 8-week commitment and we will be going through a study by Vance Pitman called The Life of a Jesus Follower. There is a study guide for this series for $20. Contact Amanda Gomulka to RSVP and order.
The Life of a Jesus Follower Bible Study Book includes printed content for eight small group sessions, personal study between meetings, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” tips for leading a group, and a leader guide.
Does Christianity ever seem like a burden to you? Why is something that came so naturally to Jesus so difficult for us? We have complicated and over-programmed the simple way that Jesus showed us to love God and others.
Jesus’ life on earth revolved around three relationships. First, He walked in an intimate love relationship with the Father. Second, He lived His life in fellowship with His disciples—doing life with others was the outflow of His relationship with the Father. And third, He lived His life engaging and cultivating relationships with people who didn’t know God at all.
These relationships define the essence of the life of a Jesus follower. And when we follow Jesus’ model of relationship, we will sink into the freedom He offers. We will stop working so hard, bound by the exhausting and burdensome rules of religion. Instead, we will allow His life to take over our own.
Session Topics:
Abide: I’m in a Relationship with God
Abide: Spending Time with God
Connect: I Belong
Connect: Life in Community
Serve: I Have a Mission
Serve: The Mission is Big
Eight small-group sessions
Personal-study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth
Invest in the three key relationships modeled by Jesus.
Abide in a relationship with God.
Learn to spend time with God in His Word.
Connect with others in Biblical community.
Discover what it means to have true fellowship with other followers of Jesus.
Find your place in God’s mission.
Exchange the “burden” of religion for the simpler, biblical method of following Jesus.
See practical examples of what it means to follow Jesus.
Develop healthy habits to become a growing follower of Jesus.